Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Aspirin in its original state was made from the bark of a tree. It's an old stand-by, found in the past on most family medicine shelves and first-aid kits. Centuries ago, people made teas using the bark to help relieve symptoms of illness. A quote from Wikipedia: 'Aspirin is based on salicylin, a chemical found in the bark of the willow tree. The therapeutic properties of willow tree bark have been known for at least 2,400 years, with Hippocrates prescribing it for headaches. Bark containing salicin was used by the Romans and American Indians to treat cold, flu, aches, pains and infections.'  I've heard of animals who chew on the bark when ill or injured.

Bayer was the first company to identify aspirin's chemical formula and synthesize aspirin in the late 1800s. If aspirin were to show up today as the latest medical find, it would be considered a wonder drug. Aspirin is very effective in lowering fevers, thinning the blood (diminishing clotting), and reducing pain. Its side effects are few.

A couple of cautionary notes: You want to be sure the product you purchase is true aspirin. Avoid use of aspirin for ulcers and before surgery because of risks of increased bleeding.

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