Monday, August 17, 2015

Jokes and riddles from The Animal Zone (by Gary Chmielewski, illustrated by Jim Caputo; 2008):

A farmer riding a horse saw a dog on the road.

"Good morning," said the dog.

"I didn't know dogs could talk," said the farmer out loud.

"Neither did I," said the horse.

What did one firefly say to the other firefly?

"Your son sure is bright for his age!"

Chris: "My cat Maddie is sick, so we're taking her to the animal doctor."

Alan: "Gee, I thought all doctors were people."

Why was the baby raised on monkey milk?

Because it was a baby monkey!

Why did the elephant quit the circus?

He didn't want to work for peanuts anymore!

Park Ranger: "Young man, there's no fishing here!"

Young Man: "You're telling me. I haven't caught anything in two hours."

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