Saturday, August 13, 2016

What is the top priority you have in mind for your business?
Money? Customer satisfaction? Quality of service and products? Providing jobs?

Twenty years from now, what will bring you happiness? Knowing you have a large number behind the dollar sign on your bank statement? Seeing how the high school kids who started at your company now have families and are contributing the work ethic, skills, and responsibility they picked up working for you? Seeing customers buy more and more flimsy or disposable items, or seeing a bicycle or coffee percolator or TV remote that is still in use 15 years after their purchase? Knowing your customers by name after all these years? Remembering how you have shared your products and services with those in need? Are you happier hearing your workers greet you when you arrive, or watching them quake?

Will you take great pleasure in knowing your town has grown more stable, enjoys greater abundance, with the long-time presence of your business? Or will you have sold you company for a profit to a distant corporation, and moved away?

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